Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Preliminary Task 2 - Day-by-day Planning and Who's Doing What

Grace Watson
15 April 2020
Media Studies
Preliminary Task 2 - Day-by-day Planning and Who's Doing What

Day-by-day Planning:

Day one:
Chene Harris and I called over 'WhatsApp' and discussed who would do what (as written below). Hunter Look missed the call and so we finalised the details with him over 'Instagram' Direct Message.

Below is a screenshot and quote of the message I sent.

"Hey hunter, so sorry, thought you weren’t on your phone or something atm [at the moment] so we called already 5 mins ago. You didn’t miss anything though, we only discussed who would do what, but because we all have to have a turn at something it won’t make a difference whether you do it this time or next time. We also made sure it’s very fair. I’ll send a photo of who’s doing what below.

Also, does it work for you if we WhatsApp call every day from 10:50 to 11 just for ten minutes to check in on everyone and make sure everyone is all good? Also also, we really want to be organised and have loads of fun with this one so let’s just do it you know ! 😂👏🏻" 

Day two:

We all called over 'WhatsApp' once again and decided to each begin thinking of plot ideas. We agreed on finding a plot idea that would be simple to really ace and master, yet creative and of a high standard and quality. A plot idea I mentioned was perhaps an abduction, as this would be perfect for a chase-scene, and both Chene and Hunter loved and then contributed to the idea.
Our ideas thought of separately will then all be added onto both our personal blogs individually, and onto the blog post which I created on our group blog (GCH Proudctions) which we will then look at and narrow down to one ultimate idea.

Below is a screenshot and a quote of the message I sent to our group chat after the call. 

"okey so here’s what we spoke about on the call just in case: everyone watch T. Bianca’s video & brainstorm GOOOOD thriller ideas for our plot, add these ideas to both your personal blog & the group blog (GCH Productions). I’ve made a blog post on the group blog for to you to add your ideas. It’s called “Preliminary Task 2 - Brainstorming Ideas”. thanks guys! happy Thursday :)"

Day three (in the morning):

We were supposed to call over 'Whatsapp', however Chene Harris had an appointment and could not make it in the morning.

Below is a screenshot and a quote of what I sent to our group:

"hey hunter, Chene couldn’t make it, so I’ve just come up with an idea. I did make a blog post for you guys to add to, but neither of you guys did, which is understandable, you’re probably busy with other school work, but because it was due today I just came up with one which I think you’ll like. We can always change the idea slightly as we go along. This is what I thought, let me know what you think:"

I posted the idea, and both Chene and Hunter loved it, responding:

Chene: I like that, especially when “he invites her to walk with him” baha I feel like this is going to be a goooooood film compared to our previous one 😂🙈

Hunter: Yo good idea

Hunter then suggested calling at 2pm. I could not make that call but told them to carry on and let me now what they discussed.

Hunter: Yeah we were thinking of doing a call at like 2:30 ish cause that’s when I’m going up to church to do my media work

They ended up not doing the call because Chene forgot.

Day four:
Called and finalised our idea, Chene Harris added her ideas to the group blog.

Who's Doing What:

Grace Watson
- Sound/Audio
- Brainstorm
- Concept
- Treatment
- Storyboard
- Location/setting
- Props and costumes
- helping with the logo.

Chene Harris
- Camera
- Director/time-keeper
- Brainstorm
- Concept
- Treatment
- Script and talent
- Editing
- Logo - design, placement, animation.

Hunter Look
- Lighting
- Brainstorm
- Concept
- Treatment
- Shot List
- Film schedules
- Call sheets
- help with the logo.

ALL research editing and sound techniques and everybody does a vision/mood board of what their film needs to look like.

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