Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Preliminary Task 1 - CCR

Grace Watson
25 March 2020
Media Studies
Preliminary Task 1 - CCR

Question 1:

Question 2:

Question 3:

Question 4:


  1. City Impact Church School - TeacherApril 13, 2020 at 5:16 PM
    CCR Comments

    Overall Score -52/60
    Question 1: Blog Tool (4/5) & Content (9/10) = (13/15)
    - good range of codes and conventions covered. Good critical reflection on choices and whether they worked or not. Work on making blog tools easy to read, thinking about size of fonts and amount of text on screen. Also make sure you have things like close-up's labelled correctly, your close-up's were more medium close-ups (just a small observation). It could have also been a good place to discuss the narrative structure and whether it worked as a suspense-building thriller.

    Q2 - Blog Tool (4/5) and Content (9/10) = 13/15
    - Same comments on blog tool layout / effectiveness as Q1. For content, more commentary on what it means that you included gangster characters in the film. How does that engage the audience? I sort of understand what you were wanting to say, but I need you to assume I don't know and tell me. Overall good commentary on what you used to engage audiences. Could have included things like music choice etc.

    Question 3 - 13/15
    Blog Tool (4/5) and Content (9/10)
    - cute, I like the video as a blog presentation tool. Perhaps choose an indoor location (love the scenery!!), wind just makes it tricky to hear in the beginning. Indoor usually works best for conveying important information. Good communication of what you learnt to do. I think some of the question rambles just a little bit which is always the difficulty with filming dialogue rather than bullet points. Concrete things like "I learnt to... storyboard or script write" etc helps. You did well explaining difficulties and what you would change next time. Well done.

    Q4 - 13/15
    Blog Tool (4/5)/ Content (9/10)

    - Great presentation of the tools you learnt to navigate in terms of software/ hardware and online. I like that you included graphics and made it very visual. Your prezi flowed well too and had a good amount of information on each page to read.
    - Slightly more detail would have gotten you full marks for content. Having the make/ model of the camera and/or pictures of the actual hardware you used and critical reflection on the process of learning to use that and lights/ sound gear etc, would have added final touches to this.
