Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Preliminary Task 1 - Final Edit

Grace Watson
17 March 2020
Media Studies
Preliminary Task 1 - The Close Shave FINAL EDIT

1 comment:

  1. Hi Grace

    Overall Score: 15/20

    Three technical elements included: 3/3
    Continuity editing: 2/ 2
    Clear narrative: 3/5
    Title & Credits: 2/2
    After Effect included and effective: 2/ 3
    Thriller conventions employed: 3/5

    Well done on your first edit! It looks like you have learnt so much, well done.

    I believe you will approach this whole thing very differently for PT 2 and going ahead. Your overall idea was a good one but perhaps too loaded for a film opening? The narrative is clever but not 100% clear for the 1 minute we watch the film. Perhaps thinking about mies-en-scene slightly more in terms of making it clear where it is set? Establishing shots do that well. If you wanted an abandoned warehouse 'feel', you can always take a shot of somewhere different and film at a completely different location for inside. Just to really set the scene.

    Your music works well for the beginning part but then mostly doesn't have any other dynamic to it. When you're trying to really ramp up suspense and tension, think about playing with different sound techniques (you did that to an extent with the sound effects though, that was great) and the music.
    I like that you played around with different editing techniques that achieved the effect of making the audience feel uneasy and gave the film a bit of a disjointed feel.
    Lighting will also need a bit more attention and thought in your next filming session. Think about the end result you want, and plan accordingly from the start. I think your film could have had a totally different 'feel' if it were lighted more sinisterly. It was clever to use the colour gradient in post-production to try mask this.
    You achieved 2/3 technical rules successfully. Shot reverse-shot was not really cutting it although you really tried hard to make your footage fit the brief and I acknowledge that. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the technical rules before starting and film with the end in mind. You should be filming straight from the storyboard and all that was in your storyboard.
    I like that you focused on dangerous objects and had characters that were of a sinister nature to try get that thriller genre feel.
    Your after effect was good although I feel like it would have been more effective on a black screen. It seems like it overlaps the footage towards the end of appearing in the screen and the writing is not big or bold enough to be seen very well so gets a bit lost. Nice job working that all out though!
