Monday, April 20, 2020

Case Studies

Grace Watson
21 April 2020
Media Studies
Case Studies

New Zealand's population in 2019 = 4.917 million (this is an estimate).
USA's population in 2019 = 328.2 million.

1. A Hollywood Blockbuster - Jurassic World

- production companies: Universal Pictures, Legendary Entertainment, Amblin Entertainment, The Kennedy/Marshall Company.
- directed by Colin Trevorrow.
- distributed by Universal Pictures.
- stars Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Ty Simpkins, Nick Robinson and Katie McGrath etc.
- production budget was $150 million USD.
- released on the 12th of June 2015.
- release details:
Jurassic World was released in 60+ countries on the 10th of June and in the USA on the 12th of June 2015.
= massive release in most cinemas.
- opening weekend Box Office numbers: it had a record breaking opening weekend, becoming the first film to ever gross over $500 million USD.
- from the 20th of October 2015 the film was on disc and streaming.
- reviews: the film was adored specifically for "Trevorrow's direction, Pratt and Howard's performances, and the visuals", however it was criticized for some parts of the "screenplay and narrative, according to according to Wikipedia.
- Jurassic World's marketing strategy was to build up anticipation for the film via any platform, to ultimately attract and convince people to buy a movie ticket. They kept their website clean, fresh and easily understandable, did not over-post and annoy viewers on social media. This strategy was a SUCCESS with the movie's record breaking open weekend and MANY sales on Box Office.
Because of it being a large Hollywood blockbuster film, the marketing department of the film had a  larger marketing budget than many other films, and could spend more money on their advertising and promoting of the film.
- synergy and cross-media convergence:
adverts and trailers on platforms such as the adverts of other movies in cinema were released and broadcast-ed as a form of advertising the film. this was very successful.
= Jurassic World has many rides in Universal Studios.
= it imprints it's logo and dinosaurs onto objects such as phone cases, laptop carriers, water bottles, notebooks etc for sale to spread the movie and brand's awareness.
designed video games based on the film.
= distributes and sells pieces of clothing, such as t-shirts and sweaters, which have characters, dinosaurs and the film's name imprinted on them.
= sells toys which resemble characters from the film (such as toy dinosaurs).
= Jurassic World was actually a sequel - therefore there was most probably already an audience who had watched and enjoyed the first film, Jurassic Park, and were coming back for more of the enjoying experience.
- Piracy numbers: the number of times Jurassic World was pirated is not evident on the internet, however it can be concluded that with it being such a largely supported and adored movie, there were most probably many cases. There are countless articles describing how Universal Studios actually ordered the removal of all pirated versions of the film from it's own servers, which is both interesting, and prove that the film would've been pirated by a number of individuals.

Classic Jurassic Park Cast Teased by Bryce Dallas Howard for ...
Jurassic World video game:
Jurassic World: The Game (Mobile Game) Trailer | Jurassic World ... 
Jurassic World toys:

2. A New Zealand film - Broken

- released on the 1st of February 2018.
- directed by Tarry Mortlock.
- stars Joshua Calles, Wayne Hapi.
- production budget was $
- release details:
- reached $647 891 on Box Office.
- marketing strategy: ...
- synergy and cross media convergence:
= released a trailer on YouTube.
= advertised over social media, such as through Facebook posts.
= hasn't released any t-shirts or items displaying members of the cast or the movie's name - doesn't have many pieces of synergy - could be because it isn't a very large or extremely popular film - no need.
= Broken was released mainly in New Zealand, not a very massively popular film, hence not having a large marketing budget. Social media was the most suitable form of advertising for this film.
= no need to record songs and release a CD - mainly used already-existing songs on their soundtrack.
- Piracy numbers: according to the director, this film has been pirated approximately 200000 times. Even though the illegal sites keep getting shut down, new ones keep popping up and so therefore there is no one official source or site for the pirating to occur.

- 23 277 likes and 24 250 follows on Facebook.

3. An independent/art-house film - My Happy Family

- directed by Nana Ekvtimishvili and Simon Grob.
released and screened in the World Cinema Dramatic Competition section of the Sundance Film Festival on the 22nd of January 2017.
- then had it's world premiere in the Forum section at the 67th Berlin International Film Festival.
- cast -> starred Ia Shugliashvili.
- production budget was 
- was screened in the World Cinema Dramatic Competition section of the 2017 Sundance Film Festival.
- it is now available on Netflix, and has been since ....
- reached $428 468 in Box Office sales.
- marketing strategy: 
not a blockbuster film, hence perhaps not having a large marketing budget. Social media was the most suitable form of advertising for this film.
- synergy and cross media convergence:
hasn't released any t-shirts or items displaying members of the cast or the movie's name - doesn't have many pieces of synergy - could be because it isn't a very large or extremely popular film - no need. It is an art-house film, therefore the audience is generally an older, more mature audience, who wouldn't typically be very interested in purchasing clothing with the names of a movie imprinted on them.
= no need to record songs and release a CD - mainly used already-existing songs on their soundtrack.
- Piracy numbers: just like the film 'Broken', the number of times it was pirated is not easily discover-able on the internet. This is most probably because it is an Indie, art-house and independent film as opposed to a large blockbuster. It is neither funded by a very large production company or film studio, nor a very popular film worldwide. Art-house films are not as popular as normal cinema films, hence there being less of an audience, and thereby less of a chance of it being pirated. Secondly, the audience of an art-house is generally an older, more mature audience, and they are less aware of how to pirate films.

Check out “My Happy Family” on Netflix | My happy family, Happy ...

4. A film that didn't perform as well as expected - The Interview

- directed by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg.
- distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing.
- was released/premiered on the 11th of December 2014 and was scheduled to be released in England and Ireland on the 6th of February 2016.
- was not a success. This was because the North Korean government actually threatened to take action against the United States if the film was releases. Hence why Sony delayed the release from October to December.
They spent those two months making the film more acceptable to the North Korean government by re-editing the film. Sony cancelled all television advertising of the film.
- In the November of this time, a group known as the "Guardians of the Peace" who allegedly had ties to North Korea hacked Sony's computer systems. They even threatened terrorist attacks against theaters where the film was showing.
- Because of this, major theater chains decided not to release the film at their theaters and therefore Sony released it instead for online digital rental on 24 December 2014 and then a limited release to only limited theaters on the 25th.
- South Korean singer even claimed that Sony had used one of her songs without permission (which was sorted out in an agreement with Sony Pictures later on).
- generated $12.3 million on Box Office.
- grossed $40 million in digital rentals which made it Sony's most SUCCESSFUL digital release.
- marketing strategy:
= The Interview did not end up doing very well, therefore perhaps their marketing strategy was not the most effective. 

- synergy and cross media convergence:
= released a trailer which was put on YouTube and aired during the adverts before other films in cinemas.
hasn't released any t-shirts or items displaying members of the cast or the movie's name - doesn't have many pieces of synergy - this could be due to the fact that it didn't end up doing very well on Box Office, not gaining as much support as expected.
= no need to record songs and release a CD - mainly used already-existing songs on their soundtrack.
- Piracy numbers: 
= pirated 1.5 million times in the first two days.
= downloaded illegally 750000 times on Christmas 2014 alone.
= downloaded on illegal sites like 'TorrentButler' thousands of times.

The Interview (2014) - Photo Gallery - IMDb

4. Another film that didn't perform as well as expectedSolo: A Star Wars Story

- released on the 10th of May 2018.
- directed by Ronald Howard.

Solo: A Star Wars Story | DVD | Buy Now | at Mighty Ape NZ

From doing some research, it is evident that the large Hollywood blockbuster film, Jurassic World, has the most information published about it, in comparison to the more national, less popular films such as Broken and My Happy Family. This relates to the fact that large blockbuster films have larger marketing budgets and can spend more money on their advertising and promoting of their film, whereas more Indie films, as well as art-house films may have lower budgets and less finance available for their advertising, reverting to the cost-effective use of social media to promote their film (such as Broken which released its trailer on YouTube and Facebook posts).

Disney's successful use of synergy and cross media convergence:
1. it distributes and sells pieces of clothing, such as t-shirts and sweaters, which have Disney characters and film names or sayings imprinted on them.
2. Disneyland.
3. Cars Land (in Disneyland).
4. Star Wars Land (in Disneyland).
5. Shipping and selling toys worldwide which represent and symbolise different Disney movie characters and objects, such as toy lightsabers (from Star Wars).
6. imprinting Disney logos, film names, character drawings etc. on objects such as phone cases, laptop carriers, water bottles, notebooks etc for sale to spread their brand's awareness.
7. designing video games based on films produced under the Disney institution, such as the 'Tangled' video game and the 'Infinity' video game.
8. Disney releases the songs from it's films onto music platforms or CDs for people to listen to and enjoy after the film, such as the High School Musical CD.
9. Disney forms DVD games and encore versions of it's films to further advertise and sell it's products/films.
10. Disney releases and broadcasts adverts and trailers on platforms such as the adverts of other movies in cinema as a form of advertising it's upcoming films. 


NZFC Research
  1. The NZFC is a government agency which aims to grow the New Zealand film industry. It supports both New Zealand and international stories with the main aim of telling the stories worldwide, balancing both “cultural and economic objectives to achieve successful outcomes for our industry and our people” according to their website.
  2. Daffodils, Born to DanceHunt for the Wilderpeople and Bellbird are all films that the NZFC have funded in the last five years that have done well internationally.
  3. The NZFC has funded movies such as The Breaker UpperersWaruCapital in the Twenty-First Century and Hunt which have all been successful and popular.
  4. To help NZ filmmakers in the production process, the NZFC invests finance into films and short films and their production process to assist in the extensive costs,  contributing production financing to between eight and twelve films each year. Additionally, the NZFC offers grants to and assists with co-productions. It also promotes NZ films both in NZ and overseas worldwide, as well as markets NZ’s screen production industry overseas to attract international productions to NZ. 
- helped fund 'Game of Thrones' which is worth a massive $2.28 billion!

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